Fallacies in the Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew and Latin Traditions
a cura di Laurent Cesalli, Leone Gazziero, Charles H. Manekin, Shahid Rahman, Tony Street, Michele Trizio
Collana Ad Argumenta, n. 4
ISBN 978-2-503-60819-8
pp. 272
In vendita sul sito di Brepols Publishers
Fallacy studies are a well established and fast expanding field of argumentation theory. Without no-table exception, however, the ever-growing literature on argumentative failure suffers from a conspicuous lack of interest in medieval fallacy theory – arguably the most creative stage in the whole history of argumentation theories. The standard story is that after Aristotle got off to a tentative start, the study of fallacies lay dormant until people at Port Royal and John Locke revived it in spectacular fashion. The volume will show that this picture is both inaccurate and misleading. By working its way from the inside out within each medieval world, Fallacies in the Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew and Latin Traditions will provide ample and unambiguous record of the exegetical proficiency, technical expertise and argumentative savoir-faire typically displayed by medieval authors on issues about flawed arguments which are all too often our own.
Laurent Cesalli (University of Ge-neva), Leone Gazziero (CNRS), Charles H. Manekin (University of Maryland), Shahid Rahman (University of Lille), Tony Street (University of Cambridge), Michele Trizio (University of Bari).